
La Maison Du Whisky

La Maison Du Whisky

La Maison Du Whisky was founded in 1956 by Georges Bénitah, and is known as one of the  largest French specialists in the importation and distribution of rare, specialty whiskies. Their comprehensive portfolio is comprised of 2500 whiskies and spirits. 

As a leader in this sector, they expanded their business into selecting and developing exclusive whisky bottlings from select casks of distilleries and independent bottlers. This unheralded growth into the premium whiskies and national distribution, has contributed to the evolution of France’s love of whisky.  Georges Benitah was one of the first to import Scottish whiskies into France. 

Today his son Thierry Bénitah, is at the helm of this thriving enterprise. His greatest contribution and talent is for unearthing rare products and discovering forgotten treasures, such as the now popular Nikka Whisky distilleries. The high standards, wisdom and savoir faire contributes to La Maison du Whisky’s continued pursuit of excellence in searching the globe to discover gems in the world of whisky and spirits. There are no boundaries that limit the enthusiasm of LMDW's goal to be a leader in the world of premium whisky and spirits distribution.


The Spirits


The Story

Situated in Paris, France

La Maison du Whisky is a distribution and importation enterprise that has developed and enhanced the world of Whiskies and premium spirits in France. The passion of the people behind LMDW has allowed the company to be a leader in the spirits sector in France and also Europe. After conquering France, LMDW is now exporting their fine spirits all over the world. With over 2500 whiskies and spirits in their portfolio, they are second to none in the high octane world of spirits distribution and a leader for excellent quality of premium products.


The People

La Maison du Whisky was founded in 1956 by Georges Bénitah. His passion for whisky led him to establish himself as a leading specialist in the importation and distribution of rare whiskies. The dynamism of LMDW in the spirits sector helped develop the evolution of the French love affair with whiskies and today, other premium spirits. With the expansion of distribution and importation, LMDW opened their first boutique shop in 1961. Their second retail outlet opened in 1968 in the prestigious quarter of Rue d'Anjou in Paris. Over the many years Georges built a chache of rare, collector whiskies and today LMDW is a leader in the sales of collector whiskies.


For more information about our producer, please visit their website at: